A Productive Day, Cleverly Hidden: Part I | 20th April 2011 | 16:35 PDT

This has nothing to do with my day. Saying that though, I did cross a road

I got a lot of work done and had the most productive day I've ever had, I feel so clear and lifted from all of life's strains.

Is what I probably would be saying had I not decided to go to the pub at 11am to watch soccer/real football for a short while as I had work to do, this ended up with me talking to this retired businessman from a major record label, who had been on a Concorde and everything, that's pretty exciting added with his name dropping of people from the late 90s, really friendly guy and lived in London for 6 years and now currently Malibu.

I was at the quiet and chilled pub called the Britannia, as you can probably guess a British pub where the walls are littered with very British things, like Magner's Irish Cider, Guinness advertising and giant sail ships from the 1900s – sorry Scotland, you can take the guys drinking before noon, if you like?

I was recommended a better place to go to called The Olde Kings Head, so after my friend left, I headed over there to catch the end of another match. This place was dark, pitch black almost, like a true British pub during a game in summer.

That damn sunlight still made it through and when it did (like someone opening the door) everyone would look over to see what was going on then be temporarily blinded by their actions until their eyes would adjust to the light. This was funny, seeing many people all blinking simultaneously with their mouth open trying to get rid of the stars in their eyes and feeling around for their drink is something that has to be seen... or not as the case may be.

Composed: Back at the house, Santa Monica

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