A Productive Day, Cleverly Hidden: Part II | 21st April 2011 | 00:45 PDT

Welcome to the underground world of art and performance

Upon my return to the house at 4:20, I got a text from my friend reminding me of this thing going down on Santa Monica Boulevard, it was a non-profit theatre project called “Consuming the Arts” at Lounge Theatre.

I got there after a 2 and a half hour bus ride across town, damn rush hour traffic. It was well worth it, there was free wine! Oh and some great acts consisting of:

Two short films, called “Franny the Elephant” and “Supermarket Superhero”. The latter being my favourite was set in a supermarket and this kid dressed as a superhero making all sorts hand gestures to stop cars etc. and helping others out around the store, it was a mixture of humorous stuff and that serious thoughtful stuff you get in a film, moral of the story? The former was a budget kids show and it was funny in places, I just lost track of what was going on and couldn't understand the voices half the time, so I was looking gormless through most of it, the girl next to me was loving it, whooping, clapping and was in absolute hysterics – must be a translation thing.

Like the stand up comedy guy, Matt Geiler – saw him before the show being super funny and probably typically him, but during the show I just didn't get it, he got half-naked and sang about poo (it was improv and it's what the people wanted to see) – and I'm not a fan of comedy and song being fused together anyway, probably because I exhausted that part of my brain listening to Weird Al Yankovic non-stop as a kid, again loads of people in the audience were laughing. I'm just a typical English grump.

Two plays, which were kind of serious for the mood of the evening so far, but I liked them both equally, both very well acted, one was about this girl who would write letters to people she loves, like Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson, who all go on to die and reckons she's responsible for their demise, the second was about falling in love, it's ups and downs and moving on to take the next step after a big set back from a previous relationship.

Finally Music, that was live! By Jesse Thomas, my highlight of the night, great music that suited the mood brilliantly, songs about love/ex's possessions/break ups – she was funny in an honest scatty kind of way, that really didn't give a damn about you and that is kind of cool. Very LA though.

I think they're taking Consuming the Arts on the road around Los Angeles to help underprivileged children find an outlet for their situation and give them focus in life, by using as many mediums of art as possible to their disposal to help them. I like.

Composed: Back at the house, Santa Monica

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